Thursday, 9 February 2017

Collab: Study Task 01

Studio brief 2 is a chance for use to collaborate with other students from both illustration and animation on a range of different briefs from D&AD and also YCN. My main motivation for doing this is to have the chance to work on a team and bounce ideas of other creatives that aren't necessarily from the same principle as me. Collaboration gives us the opportunity to combine the efforts of more than one person, which can lead to more interesting and bigger possibilities than what can be achieved by just one person.

As for communication between the group, face to face will be the most common and best way to discuss and work on the brief. But aside from that, outside of the uni Facebook will likely be the way to share ideas and discuss things in more detail.

Working with two other illustrators means that a lot of varied skills will be brought to the table, both in terms of styles but also mindsets and ways of approaching the brief. Both the illustrators I'm working with are much more hands on, hand crafted design work which is something I think I fall down on, an aspect of design that will be especially useful in the brief we've chosen to do. Those skills tied in with my more screen based design will hopefully be the recipe for something innovative and that works harmoniously.

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