Tuesday 17 October 2017

Brief Outlines

My manifesto underpinning my briefs this year is based around 'doing good' in the most simplest of terms. By this I mean creating socially conscious design which either revolves around social issues or at least is responsible in both it's concept and execution.

Brief 1 (Internal Collaboration)

Charity hub/app. Working on the issue of charities’ ways of communication & ways of giving and bringing them through into the modern era.

This brief is based around charitable giving, focusing mainly on the way charities are viewed by the public and how people feel towards giving to them. I feel like there are multiple things that are problematic with the way most current charities operate and I think that this brief could be an opportunity to bring light to/ a solution to these issues, to ultimately benefit the charities in multiple ways.

Time Scale: 3-6 Months

Brief 2 (Starpack Live Brief - Internal Collaboration)

Selecting from one of the following categories - bakery, convenience food-to-go or fresh produce – create a plastic pack that is recyclable or made from recycled content and helps reduce food waste by the consumer. Printed graphics on card or paper labels can be used to enhance the pack and help educate the consumer.

Time Scale: 1-2 Months

Brief 3 (Secret 7")

Create a 7” vinyl sleeve design for one of the 7 proposed artists.
Time Scale: 3 days

Brief 4 (Hellmann's food waste)

Combat throwaway culture and cut food waste with a device, publication or service from Hellmann’s.
Time Scale: 1 months

Brief 5 (The Problem of Plastic)

With plastic consumption at an all time high, explore ways in which to highlight the problem which is currently affecting our environment.
Time Scale: 1-2 Weeks

Although the recommended amount of briefs to have is 10, I will aim to gather a few more briefs together overtime so that I have a wide range of work for my portfolio.

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