Pitching my proposed issue and research to go along with it was incredibly useful in finding out other people's thoughts/views on it and any suggested more research to look into. One thing that was pointed out was to focus on one particular area that stress effects, e.g. just in the workplace or in everyday life. I originally suggested focusing on stress within the workplace as this is very common but a suggestion was put forward by another student to potentially look at things such as bills or parking tickets as examples of things that cause stress and how these could potentially be reimagined and redesigned to relieve/decrease stress rather than causing it.
Another point was put forward as there was a case of stress a couple years ago from a teacher who ultimately sued the college due to a serious amount of stress put on her. The result was a lifetime of paid salary after a court battle proved she was overworked and stressed out. This brings up the issue of how maybe the environments we work in couple with our routines can bring more stress to our lives, so potentially looking at the environments we work in could be a potential idea. Google for example, have separate rooms for chilling out, gaming etc. where staff can take solid breaks to enjoy themselves and it benefits each individual. Maybe the changes can't always be as extreme as those in the Google office, but visually and physically the environment could be altered to relieve pressure and stress, which is something I could look into.
"And the perks, she added, are “amazing.” In the course of our brief conversation, she mentioned subsidized massages (with massage rooms on nearly every floor); free once-a-week eyebrow shaping; free yoga and Pilates classes; a course she took called “Unwind: the art and science of stress management”; a course in advanced negotiation taught by a Wharton professor; a health consultation and follow-up with a personal health counselor; an author series and an appearance by the novelist Toni Morrison; and a live interview of Justin Bieber by Jimmy Fallon in the Google office."
(Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/16/business/at-google-a-place-to-work-and-play.html)