Sunday 6 May 2018

Brief 7: Video production

After a morning trip to IKEA, we'd collated everything we needed to start shooting the footage. Using a sleek induction hob layered on top of a wooden chopping board fitted the aesthetic we wanted to go for.

It took a few attempts at getting the height and set up right, until we eventually ended up filming on the floor which gave us more space.

We also collaborated with a photographer. I'd recently done her branding and so was in contact with her. She was more than willing to lend a hand, as we were somewhat novices filming with expensive camera equipment and lighting.

Although it took over 4 hours in total to produce and film, we were happy with the video content we managed to record. This was mine and Jon's first try at art direction, it was definitely a interesting thing to do considering how different it is to our usual style of work.

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