Wednesday 26 April 2017

Feedback & Evaluation

As with every project it's always key to seek feedback for my final pieces because it can help to improve my practice and my future work overall. But also allows me to get an insight into how other people perceive my work and how they would have maybe gone about designing/producing it.

"The black type over the pink graphic makes for a strong, bold contrast which when coupled with the digital 90's style typeface works well in creating the unique look you was aiming for."

"One thing I would point out is some of the type appears as though it's floating on the poster, more so at the top of the page coming down."

"Have you considered how you're going to mount it? If it has to be mounted, maybe mounting it on a light grey or pink coloured stock would create a somewhat subtle contrast between the four sections and the background, whereas something like a black could ruin the look."

"I like how it's celebrating the facts of the whole parade such as the attendance and location. Whilst firstly celebrating the Leeds event, it also celebrates the previous Berlin events with the use of the strikethroughs."

How i'm going to mount it is something I really need to consider, if it's going to be mounted onto a flat surface mounting it onto some card won't be an issue but if for example it was to be hung or clipped up then this could be an issue. Maybe using string to hold the four pieces together if it's hung up could be an option to consider. Worst case scenario, I may have to use the full poster and it not in four pieces.

My final outcome for my poster was something I’m proud of given my worries about screenprinting prior to this project. Practicing this skill has improved my knowledge and my ability in traditional print.

The poster itself was bright and eye catching and I think will hopefully stand out within the exhibition. The pastel pink coupled with the white and black makes for a strong visual identity for Love Parade, evoking feelings of love and passion for the music.

This brief has allowed me to better understand the process of screenprint, which will benefit me a lot going into third year. Having the skill, confidently under my belt means it’s always a possible way of producing my outcome. 

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