Thursday 25 February 2016

OUGD404: Study Task 09 - What is a Book? - Bookbinding

Photography Induction


For this study task we had to photograph our books from our bookbinding induction we had a couple of weeks back. Each book had a different bookbinding method; the grey one was a concertina fold, the red one a saddle stitch and the green one a Japanese 4-hole bind. Each also come with their pros and cons as something such as a the concertina fold would be more for large images / to display work due to it's complex folding style. Whereas the other two books would be ideal for something such as notebooks or informational book.

Within the photography lighting induction, we were taught the basics of how the lights, soft boxes etc. work within a studio and was told to experiment with a mixture the lights and camera settings to find which combination best captures the object. One thing we also experimented with was silver reflectors, but with one of the sides painted gold to add more warmth to the shot.

The photos above were captured using just one studio light from a range of angles, hence the shadows and more depth within the photos. Whereas the ones below were captured using two studio lights that, in a way, kind of cancelled out each others shadows, making it better when shooting more 2D objects.

NEST Magazine

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