Thursday 18 February 2016

OUGD406: Studio Brief 01 - Secret 7 (Initial Thoughts/Ideas & Inspiration)


Design a 7" record sleeve for one of the following 7 artists:

Chvrches - Clearest Blue

Etta James - At Last

Jack Garrett - Worry

The Jam - Art School

John Lennon - Imagine

Max Richter - Dream 3

Tame Impala - The Less I Know the Better

"You are competing against 1000's of submission from all over the world, how can your design/designs stand out. What are the obvious responses? How can knowledge of these inform your own visual investigation."

Initial Thoughts

I thought for this brief, rather than choosing a song or artist that I already know of, that I would choose one who's music I'm not familiar with. This would ensure that the design of the vinyl is too heavily influenced by their existing style of album covers which I think could potentially happen if I chose someone such as Tame Impala.

Examples of Current Album Artwork:

His current album artwork seems to be mostly hand rendered making for much more interesting and organic visuals as opposed to regular digitally rendered album artwork. Given his genre of music, the style in which the album artwork has been created feels appropriate, as the visuals feel smooth and not too overpowering or hectic which would be something that would be more suited to punk/rock music etc.

Initial Ideas

I started with research into the worrying and the connotations of someone worrying which sparked a few rough ideas and ultimately my initial sketches. The underlying concept within all of them was to stick to purely shapes and lines to portray my ideas. This was done in the hope to make the designs more abstract because in some cases, typography can take away from the ambiguous design. 

A lot of my initial sketches were visuals based around worrying, such as having a trail of worries, being on the edge, having a hectic mind etc. But after the first feedback session we had, better and more abstract ideas came about. So much rather than looking on the face of it and thinking about worrying, thinking about how the body reacts to worrying such as contracting blood vessels and muscles.

Another idea that was suggested to consider was modern day social anxieties that people have such as student loan debts, low battery or even worries about the secret 7 competition itself.



Peter Saville

Leif Podhajsky

A lot of what started to inspire me was textured, rustic looking pieces such as the Of Monsters and Men vinyl cover by Leif Podhajsky, hence also the pointillism pieces.

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