Thursday, 26 April 2018

Brief 6: Evaluation

Secret 7” was the smallest of all of my briefs, making it challenging but fun all the while. Short timescales for me are sometimes tricky but with the brief being very open to interpretation it gave me the opportunity to experiment with programmes. Creating work that is a little more aesthetically based is not usually something I work on, but it made for a different working process.

From start to finish this was reliant on constant feedback as developing my designs further required input from others to speed up the process given the short timeframe. I felt that I managed my time while during the couple of days, spending a set time on the research, ideas then development sections of the brief, ensuring that I didn’t go over my estimated timescale. Doing it over the course of three days allowed me to intermittently work on other briefs as a way to then come back to the brief later on in the day with a fresh mind and perspective.

One thing I wish I had experimented with was physical types of printing such as screenprinting or even letterpress to create a more varied style. Also because screenprinting is something I enjoy doing as a way of taking time away from my computer screen.

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