Monday 19 March 2018

Brief 3: Developing a Promotional Pack

Promotional Pack

Plan for content of pack
Hilda requested only a few basic things within her pack be that business cards, postcards and a poster. Having it roughly A6 size will mean it'll be slim and easy to post off to people she wishes.

Few ideas of design layout
My intitial idea consisted of the pack opening from the top similar to this design below as the pack could open along a line; that being consistent with her branding.

Second idea was similar format but instead opens like a book. There are three sections to this to hold the three different elements; poster, business cards and postcards.

The poster sits tucked away underneath both the business cards and postcards, whilst those two sit partially visible on top, only covered by the cover that holds them in place. These covers are angled to bring through her visual branding into the physical promotion pack. Underneath these covers will be simple cut out semi circles where the cards can fit in to be held in place.

Potential Net

First net mockup

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