Friday 2 March 2018

Brief 4: Visual inspiration and Ideas

Visual Style

For the visual identity of our idea, we had to create something that would align with Hellman's already existing brand identity but also be an ode to all things wonky that would be visually appealing.

Bold, High contrast Photography

Our first thoughts were bold contrasting colours with the wonky vegetables at the forefront of the campaign. This would make for a striking campaign that would hopefully engage and entice consumers into better understanding wonky vegetables and their uses.


Another idea for a visual identity was to go for a more handcrafted style through illustrations, this would make for a more homely, personalised feel that consumers may warm to more and would give the veg character.

Between the three of us, we have a Pinterest board as a source of visual inspiration that we may stumble across.

Hand Crafted Paper

A handcrafted visual brings with it an opportunity for the imperfections with each piece of the veg to stand prominently within the visual image. This matches with the wonky aesthetic of the veg we're trying to promote.

Food Trucks

Looking at current food trucks style and layout will help to give us an idea of how we will going about designing and styling our own.

I think to go for a style that isn't completely perfect, maybe more in the way of more DIY aesthetic would work well with the imperfectness of the wonky vegetables, without making it appear tacky as so to affect people's perception of the quality of food served. The use of bold colours will be transferred from the visual campaign to the food truck to create a rounded brand identity.


An idea I had for the menu of the food truck was to show the raw vegetables that go into each recipe to give the consumer an idea of how simple the meals are to make at home.


We discussed the potential of making use of a bold colour scheme to create patterns or textures within the packaging for the food truck and potentially the food truck itself. With the packaging itself, an idea I had was to have the recipes for the meal on the inside of the packaging, e.g. if you buy a burger, the burger box could open up and reveal the recipe on the inside so that the consumer has something to take away and try themselves.

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