Saturday, 9 April 2016

OUGD404: Studio Brief 2 - What is a Book? (Feedback & Development)

During a feedback session with peers we presented our different proposed layouts and divider pages for the magazine and ultimately the majority vote went to the three shown below as they worked the most cohesively with each other given they are follow a relatively minimal style.

3 Different layouts

As much as DIN did work for the body copy, people suggested to us to a more distinct and unique typeface to give the magazine a bit more character as opposed to using a more common typeface like DIN. We settled on Frontage Regular as our header typeface as it still retains the sleek look we have so far without being too obtrusive within the page.

Final 2 Chosen Main Typefaces

We also ended up changing the version of DIN we originally chose to something that was slightly more rounded and better fitted to the header typeface, meaning they work better together on each page.

Two other typefaces were used within the publication, Helvetica Regular for the cover of the magazine and 2 versions of Macula for certain stand alone type pages such as with the Helix Bike & Sensel Morph.

Given that by this point we had established everything we needed to such as the final layout and typefaces to use, we went on to place all the content into the layout with only some minor changes to the writing within it as some parts were too long winded.

The last part of the magazine that needed to be done was to create a contents page. Keeping in line with the style of the rest of the publication we used the header typeface and retained it's simplistic style, having just the two separated sections colour coded to match with their divider page further on within the magazine. 

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